
insight sixtyfive
i honestly just want to write, rant, talk about what's racing around my head, racing down my face, racing like my heart.

him, him and him.

they know how it happened, you're no longer 
the victim. it wasn't love or passion
more of a complex act of control 
and intentional scarring.

hands intertwining, fingers latching on.
get out of my head.

its the late night mysterious boy 
with the beckoning call of lust and need
for a girl to comfort his wants,
but that's no longer me.

bodies closing in, eyes locking together.
banish it from my mind.

your warmth drawing me near, a comfort
and safe place to escape to.
a single conversation bringing a smile,
always a smile. never anything less.

cheeks rose with admiration, a simple brief touch.
a welcoming imagination i cherish.


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