
Showing posts from 2023


  insight ninetyfive i felt a need to write again. to allow my thoughts a place to exist, without any eyes or ears. something weird is happening and i can't quite understand what it is. am i pushing others away and slowly isolating myself again? or am i losing my relationship because of miscommunication, personal issues, and adult growth? it is a difficult battle to know which is which, but also to know which is right for me. do i need time to figure out myself, work on my mental and physical health, and return a better and more honest me? or do i need to get help - support myself before it becomes too late?  there's a lot of aspects of a relationship that are important and hold unique value, such as the unconditional love, a consistent support system and someone who knows you so intimately that you can be your most vulnerable with them without perceived judgement. and they're hard, no one ever says relationships are easy but time gives people space to learn and grow to sup