
insight seventysix
8th of September 2018 - s a quick note after an evening of 
smiles  :)
His fingertips trace my back, inch by inch of my bare skin, as if I let him touch the real mortal soul of mine. breathing close, heartbeats pulse again my chest, a steady rhythm of existence pleasing my every sense, pleasing my smile even brighter to know he's right there beside me. my hand glides over his back, the dip of his spine creating a river to trail down, a slow dance of intimacy and enjoyment. eyes closing again, I lay my head upon his shoulder and smile at our hours in the night spent lying together in a place that curls around me and holds me tight, a place I call home.
 - - -
he stands taller than me, peaking around my hair as I adjust my clothing, ready to leave for a lonely bed. he smiles and talks of sweet nothings about me, making me smile and feel utterly melted by his adoration and adorable serious tone. turning to face him, he pulls his hand to my cheek and kisses me softly, as if to coax me in more to his beckoning lips. the love I feel inside me is reciprocated, pupils dilated and pulse heightened. I slide my hand from his wrist to his waist, pulling him in for a hug, one I wish would last forever.
 - - -
getting back to a cold home, I remove my clothes and stare into the dirty mirror, tracing the lines he took over my skin. holding my yellow shirt close, the smell of him fills my lungs as my body aches for more, more of him, of us. climbing into a lonesome bed, I wrap the covers around me, determined to rid of this empty feeling but with no luck as I only miss him more. grabbing my yellow shirt, I hold it close to my chest, imagining it to be him and smiling at the thought.



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